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Woman with grey hair wearing a yellow "standing on the side of LOVE" shirt. She is laughing.
Boy with blonde hair and colorful face paint at the UUMAC carnival

At the end of September 2022, DeSales University let us know that they will not be able to accommodate us in the future. In 2024, UUMAC is collaborating with CERSI while continuing to hold reunions and the occasional weekend retreat. More details to come! The Board encourages all UUMAC members to learn about CERSI and to attend the upcoming retreat scheduled for July 7 to July 13, 2024. 


CERSI Countdown


UUMAC is a fully multi-generational, intentional community, with programming in the morning for children and youth, teens, and YAs/adults. Afternoons include scheduled and ad hoc activities both on and off campus, with intergenerational time and “Night Owls” socializing after dinner. Individuals and families return year after year because UUMAC is an essential part of their lives and faith practice.

Over the decades UUMAC has become many things to many people: a spiritual retreat, time for reflection and celebration, a reunion with friends, a time to revel in a community of fun-loving and like-hearted people of all ages. From the Talent Show and Open Mic, to sharing our stories and experiences during the lay-led evening vespers services, UUMAC has many ways for us to connect, learn and grow together as a community. 

Subscribe to Our UUMAC Friends Email Listserv for more info and updates!


Carla and Kia smiling at the camera.
Two siblings laughing with one of the young adults in the Desales cafeteria.

Reflect.    Renew.    Return.


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