Resources for Further Engagement to Advance Just Migration for All

After attending the Intergenerational Spring Seminar April 5-7, 2018, the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office hopes that all participants will continue engagement with the office and with the issues discussed, such as supporting refugees and continuing to learn and teach others about the global migration crisis.

Our esteemed presenters have provided the following information and resources for continued engagement (grouped roughly based on topic). We're happy to add more - send additional resources to and we can update this list!

Resources and Information

  • Testing one's own understanding: Immigration Quiz (in English (PDF) or Spanish (PDF) from the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - quiz encouraged as a group activity & collective learning experience.
  • Share the Seminar Statement with your congregation and discuss how to take action according to the commitments listed in the statement. You can also download a PDF to print and display at coffee hour.

Climate-Induced Displacement

Asylum Seekers—Deeper Understanding

Understanding the Asylum Process

  • The Waiting Game - The U.S. is supposed to be a safe haven for people fleeing persecution, but aslylum-seekers face years of uncertainty upon arrival. Play ProPublica and WNYC's experimental news game that captures their experience, allowing you to walk in the shoes of an asylum seeker, from the moment they choose to come to the U.S. to the final decision in the cases before and immigration judge.

Further Reading on LGBTQ Asylum Seekers:

Congregational Support for Refugees

Canadian Resources

Resistance to Criminalization of Migrants

Resources from Arab American Association of New York

Faithful Resistance resources from Love Resists & Side With Love