Dear Chalice Lighter,

Thank you for being a generous and faithful donor to Chalice Lighters! Your donations to the Fall and Winter Calls as of this writing have exceeded $40,000. Pandemic Relief or Technology Grants have so far been issued to Woodinville UU Church, Edmonds UU Congregation, and Mid-Columbia UU Fellowship.

This is your Spring Call for the 2020-2021 church year. The Inland Northwest Unitarian Universalist Community (INUUC) is an emerging UU congregation that will serve the population of Spokane and Eastern Washington. Their belief in the promise of Unitarian Universalism and adherence to its principles led them to risk beginning a new religious community in the midst of a global pandemic. They are making practical but bold plans, focusing on social justice issues, and striving to be inclusive, multicultural, and multigenerational. Your support will assist INUUC with the nonrecurring costs associated with “hitting the ground running” in their quest to offer more opportunities for religious liberals in their area to become Unitarian Universalists.

Does your congregation need help to recover and thrive again? If so, please encourage your leaders to apply for a Chalice Lighter grant, and volunteer to help with the application or to sign up Chalice Lighters to meet the modest percentage requirement. The shortened “Chalice Lighter Pandemic Relief Application” form is available here. The form details award criteria and instructions. Some funds remain to be awarded.  Do you need fiscal help moving to hybrid services when you reopen? Think creatively about strengthening your outreach to others in your community who need liberal religion in these fraught times!

Please make your Spring Call contribution now!

  • Make a one-time gift of $20, $50, or $100 online at the PNWD giving page.
  • Mail your check, payable to “PNWD Chalice Lighters” to: PNWD Chalice Lighters, P.O. Box 567, Brighton CO 80601. Please include the PNWD-CL designation and the name of your congregation on your check.
  • Choose to have your gift deducted monthly from your credit card or bank account using the PNWD automatic giving page.
  • Consider becoming a Chalice Lighter “Angel” by contributing an amount in excess of $1000.

Sincerely yours,
David P. Cauffman, PNWD Chalice Lighter program coordinator   

Finer points: Direct costs to administer the call are reimbursed from donations before issuing grants. More of your money will go toward the grant if you opt for emailed call letters and contribute online.

Proposals to receive the full proceeds of a Chalice Lighter call may be submitted at any time. Those received before June 6, 2021 will be considered for the Fall Call, and later proposals will be considered for the Winter Call. The forms, with instructions, are also found on the PNWD Chalice Lighters web page.

P.S. Help a new UU congregation get started in your district with your Chalice Lighter contribution today!